Melissa Behm, Brookes Publishing executive vice president, and ASQ author/developer, Dr. Jane Squires traveled to the People’s Republic of China to speak at a two-day seminar, “ASQ and ASQ:SE in Early Intervention/Special Education in China and the U.S.,” held in September in Shanghai. Jane presented lectures on the importance of early intervention, the development of ASQ and ASQ:SE, and the role of family-centered practice. Melissa discussed the implications of copyright related to the ASQ screening tools. Jane and Melissa also met with pediatric and early intervention/early childhood leaders in Shanghai and Beijing to discuss the groups’ work in China to expand the role of developmental screening using ASQ-3™ and ASQ:SE.
Here, Melissa and Jane take a post-session photo with: 1. Dr. Fan (“Frank”) Jung Ming, who presented on “Direction and Development of Preschool Special Education in China.” He is currently Senior Professor, Supervisor for Ph.D. Program, East Normal University; President of the Council of China Research Association of Special Education; and Director, Special Education Research Institute. 2. Huichao Xie, seminar translator and University of Oregon doctoral student. 3. Naren Chen, R&D Director, Zhuhai Ocean Educational Science & Technology Co., Ltd. Ocean is working under the direction of Dr. Xiaoyan Bian, the Chinese ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE translator, to design the online system for ASQ in China.
Melissa and Jane meet with Naren Chen, Zhuhai Ocean R&D Director; Dr. Guangjun Yu,Dean of Shanghai Children’s Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University; Director of Shanghai Children’s Health Institute, andNing (“Mary”) Wu, Zhuhai Ocean Manager.
Jane and Melissa traveled to Beijing in the company of Dr. Xiaoyan Bian, translator of the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE into Chinese and a pediatrician at the Children’s Health Care Institute of Shanghai Children’s Hospital, to meet with Dr. Yaohua Dai,Professor, Capital Institute of Pediatrics; Director, China Advisory Center for Child Health and Disease Control; Director, WHO Collaborating Center for Child Health; Director, China Society of Child Health, China Association of Preventive Medicine; and Deputy Director Beijing Association of Maternal and Child Health Care, and Dr. Zonghan Zhu, Professor, Capital Institute of Pediatrics; Vice Chairman, China Association on Women and Child Health, to discuss use of the ASQ in China. Below, they pose in a park across the street from the Capital Institute of Pediatrics in Beijing.
Dr. Bian has been the moving force behind the introduction of ASQ in Chinese. For the past decade she has been committed to the translation and adaptation of the ASQ-3 and ASQ:SE and the identification of partners for the publication of the print and online systems of ASQ Chinese. Dr. Yaohua Dai and Dr. Zonghan Zhu, who are collaborating with groups like UNICEF and CDC to improve lives for young children in rural China, are interested in seeing if ASQ can help in monitoring the children they are following.
Xuefeng Chen, Ph.D. (right), Education Specialist, United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF Office for China, discussed future collaborative opportunities with ASQ author, Jane Squires (left). Dr. Chen is working directly with UNICEF to explore the use of ASQ and ASQ:SE in their programs. Earlier she was the translator of Brookes’sTransdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment(TPBA) and Transdisciplinary Play-Based Intervention (TPBI), by Toni Linder, for the Chinese publisher East China Normal University Press.